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How to fill up on omega 3 when you don't like small fatty fish

The best source of omega 3 (EPA and DHA) is found in small fatty fish. but here you go, if you're like me and you don't like small fatty fish, it's difficult to meet your omega 3 needs. Here's a recipe that can allow you to eat them, perhaps even with pleasure!

Sardine rillettes: ideal for a starter, brunch or aperitif. Here is something to offer a little "healthy food" to your guests.


Ingredients (for 4 people)

  • 400 g of canned natural sardinas, and organic

  • 4 tbsp cottage cheese or ricotta (silken tofu if you must avoid dairy)

  • Spices of your choice: garlic and herbs, curry, turmeric, Espelette pepper...

  • The juice of a lemon

Step 1 :

Take the flesh of the sardines and mash it with a fork. Sprinkle lemon juice immediately to prevent oxidation.

Step 2 :

Add the cottage cheese or ricotta and mix, crushing with a fork. Add the spices and mix again.

NB: If you opt for silken tofu, it is better to mix all the ingredients coarsely.


To be enjoyed on a slice of wholemeal sourdough bread or with sticks of raw vegetables.

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